Heading to Las Vegas to go bouldering in Red Rocks? Be sure to get the beta before you go.
Red Rocks bouldering isn't nearly as well known as the area's sport climbing, but trust us - it's just as good. From steep crimps to gritty slopers, the boulder problems in Red Rocks, NV present a unique style of climbing for boulderers with almost any preference.
The stark contrast between the city lights of Las Vegas and the painted mountains of Red Rocks is surprisingly beautiful. The climbing doesn't disappoint either. From slopers to steeps, you'll never experience anything quite like the sandy grit of Red Rocks. The best part? Your fingertips will be in great shape with the friendly texture of the terracotta sandstone. - Bridget Kilgallon @bkall.day
Steep angles and sloping sand stone define the bouldering in Red Rocks. Get ready to crimp! The Monkey Bar boulder is a crowd favorite.
Trip Beta: Travel Tips for Red Rocks bouldering
Red Rocks is just outside of the city of Las Vegas. For those who like to gamble or light up the night - there are plenty of options for room and board. For those who prefer to camp, Red Rocks is not the most hospitable for camping accommodations. If you didn't book a group site and the walk-ins are full (which they often are) you'll be happy to have a backup plan.
BLM camping is available, however it is a solid 45-minute drive away from the climbing areas. Unfortunately, camping in pull outs or other overnight parking lots in the canyon is not legal and is heavily monitored.
Van campers may have some success finding overnight parking in the nearby shopping centers and strip malls (of which there are many). Depending on how incognito your set up is you may be able to pull this off. However, we can't guarantee you won't wake up to a security guard knocking on your window. Definitely don't try this at the nearby Albertson's parking lot.
Access: Climbing etiquette for Red Rocks bouldering
Whatever you do: do not climb after it rains in Red Rocks.
As with any type of sandstone, rain causes the rock to become friable - meaning it can break easily. Not only will you be bummed if you break a crucial hold, but the entire climbing community will probably ex-communicate you. If it rains, take at least 2-3 days to rest in town.
As always, be sure to educate yourself on leave no trace principles for the area. Read more about the seven principles of Leave No Trace (LNT) in our article: What is the Leave No Trace Philosophy?

Girl Beta: Bouldering Videos for Red Rocks
Sometimes it helps to get another woman's perspective on which boulder problems to get on. Below you'll find a selection of female favorites, and a great roadmap on which routes to add to your tick list when visiting Red Rocks.
Warning: If you're climbing onsight, scroll no further. Spoilers ahead!
Monkey Bar - V2
Maggie Gierard climbs Monkey Bar V2 in Red Rocks
Potato Chips - V2
Maggie Gierard climbs Potato Chips V2 in Red Rocks
Natasha's Highball - V2 *Ultra Classic!*
Bridget Kilgallon climbs Natasha's Highball V2 in Red Rocks
When it comes to high balls, it really doesn't get better than this. Natasha's is a picturesque line that takes you through thrilling, but easy moves to the lip of a massive boulder. Commit to the middle sequence and ride out the easy slab to the top. You'll feel like you're on top of the world.
Pork Chop - V2/V3 *Tough!*
Sonia Rackelmann climbs The Pork Chop V2/3 in Red Rocks, NV
Despite the moderate grade, The Pork Chop is notoriously difficult and technical (not to mention extremely fun). Shorter climbers may experience a more committing move to get from one arête to the other. Don't be discouraged by the difficulty - with a little foot-work trickery you'll be hugging the chop in no time.
Clam Bumper - V3
Jackie Trejo climbs Clam Bumper V3 in Red Rocks
The Sting - V4
Bridget Kilgallon climbs The Sting V4 in Red Rocks
The Pearl - V5 *Ultra Classic!*
Jackie Trejo climbs the classic line The Pearl V5 in Red Rocks
Ah, the Pearl. Everyone loves it... or do they? Crimp your way up a technical line on a beautiful orange scoop in the middle of the desert.
Monkeybar Right - V6
Bridget Kilgallon climbs Monkey Bar Right V6 in Red Rocks
Red Dragon - V6
Maddy Voloshin climbs Red Dragon V6 at Red Rocks
Tied To The Whipping Post - V6
Bridget Kilgallon climbs Tied to the Whipping Post V6 in Red Rocks
Monkey Bar Traverse - V6/7
Amanda Jaramillo climbs Monkey Bar Traverse V6/7 in Red Rocks
Monkey Wrench - V7
Sonia Rackelmann climbs Monkey Wrench V7 in Red Rocks, NV
Mr. Moran - V7
Bridget Kilgallon climbs Mr. Moran V7 in Red Rocks
Spring Loaded - V8
Amanda Jaramillo climbs Spring Loaded V8 in Red Rocks
In Our Time - V8
Maddy Voloshin climbs In Our Time V8 at Red Rocks
Monkey Bar Direct - V8
Amanda Jaramillo climbs Monkey Bar Direct V8 at Red Rocks
Down The Line - V8
Maddy Voloshin climbs Down The Line V8 at Red Rocks
Spitting Venom - V8/9
Amanda Jaramillo climbs Spitting Venom V8/9 at Red Rocks
Sad Robot - V9
Maddy Voloshin climbs Sad Robot V9 in Red Rocks
Monkey Trench - V10
Amanda Jaramillo climbs Monkey Trench V10 in Red Rocks
Big shout out to the climbers who provided videos for our bouldering beta pages! You can follow their sends on the following links:
Amanda Jaramillo: Youtube Channel / Instagram @amandarjara
Sonia Rackelmann: Youtube Channel / Instagram @soniarackelmann
Maddy Voloshin: Youtube Channel / Instagram @maddyvolo
Jackie Lukianov: Youtube Channel / Instagram @jackielukianov
Maggie Gierard: Youtube Channel / Instagram @mags.at.crags
Bridget Kilgallon: Youtube Channel / Instagram @bkall.day
Kim McGrenere: Youtube Channel / Instagram @kimstagraham.mcg
Kristi “Good Beta” Buckley: Youtube Channel / Instagram @kristi.buckley
Would you like to contribute a beta video for your favorite bouldering area? If so, just contact us!
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